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GradleUp Governance Charter#

What is GradleUp?#

GradleUp is a volunteer-driven umbrella GitHub organization focusing on simplifying developer experience with Gradle Build Tool (a.k.a. Gradle), in particular for Java, Kotlin and Android projects. We host components and ensure their long-term sustainability.

Our scope includes all things that help to achieve great user and developer experience when working with Gradle. It includes but not limited to plugins, developer tools, integrations, documentation or community content.

Formal Side#

The GradleUp organization is a volunteer driven community operating in a public interest in a non-profit mode and providing no commercial services. There is no formal legal entity behind GradleUp. As it is written in the Apache License v2:

Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.

Gradle and the Gradlephant logo (the "Gradle Marks") are registered trademarks of Gradle, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. In the GradleUp organization, "Gradle" typically means "Gradle Build Tool" and does not reference Gradle Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All references to the trademark represent a fair use, and do not imply endorsement.


The project is led by a small team of passionate Gradle users and contributors. This GradleUp Team is to be considered as a top governance and steering entity for the project.

The project also includes maintainers and contributors.


  • Contributor - any individual who participates in the community and adds value to in one form or another, including but not limited to code, documentation, automation, advocacy or community support.
  • Team Member - A GradleUp contributor listed on the GradleUp Team page. They participate in the project steering as whole. New team members are added by the decision of the current team members.
  • Org Admin - A team member with administrative access to the GitHub organization and/or other community resources. Permissions and access are granted based on the decision of the current team members.
  • Maintainer - A GradleUp contributor who maintains a component hosted on GradleUp. It includes roles Triage or above. Components may explicitly or implicitly introduce more Maintainer sub-roles.

Decision Making#

The decisions are made by the GradleUp Team based on consensus and common sense. We intend to make decision making fast and light-weight, with minimum overhead when a consensus exists.

Most of the decisions are discussed and made in public communication channels. It is expected that all contributors and end users are able to participate to the decisions. Some exceptional decisions, for example Code of Conduct discussions, may be done in private.

Components Governance#

Component Ownership#

Maintainers have full control of technical decisions and processes within their components. Apart from the requirements documented in the Hosting Guidelines, Maintainers are free to define the governance processes within their repositories, to add collaborators to the projects, or to implement automation and release process as they deem beneficial.

All hosted components remain a subject to GradleUp Code of Conduct, and they must adhere to some security and hosting rules documented in the Hosting Guidelines. The recommendations and best practices remain optional.

Hosting New Components#

New Gradle related projects can be potentially hosted on GradleUp. It includes transferring the project to GradleUp, and ensuring quality and sustainability of the project. See the Hosting New Projects page for more information.

Transferring Ownership#

Should a Maintainer explicitly move-on and put a project for adoption, or become unresponsive for a long period of time, the GradleUp Team can re-assign ownership of the project to ensure the continuity of the component. A best possible effort should be made to reach out to the maintainer beforehand.

Open Source Commitment#

In GradleUp, we are committed to open source. We intend to do most of the work in public, and to have publicly open communication channels to discuss the changes and the strategy.

We reserve the right to do some work in private when it is required to ensure confidentiality and safety of GradleUp contributors and users. Possible examples include:

  • Vulnerability reporting, security patches and advisory preparetion. See the Security Policy
  • Code of Conduct escalations, investigation and follow-ups
  • Distribution of physical assets like swag


Within our resources we host ONLY open source components under the OSI-compliant licenses.

The non-code components under the GradleUp organization on GitHub and created by the GradleUp team and contributors, unless explicitly specificed otherwise, are licensed under CC BY 4.0

Code of Conduct#

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. Read our full Code of Conduct.