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GradleUp Projects#

The key projects are listed below. You can find the full list of projects being developed by the team on the GitHub organization

Gradle Plugins#

  • Auto Manifest - Generates AndroidManifest.xml in simple libraries so that you don't have to
  • Gradle static analysis plugin - A Gradle plugin to easily apply the same setup of static analysis tools across different Android, Java or Kotlin projects.
  • Gratatouille - Gratatouille is an opinionated framework to build Gradle plugins. Write pure Kotlin functions and the Gratatouille KSP processor generates tasks, workers and wiring code for you.
  • Gr8 - Gr8 makes it easy to shadow, shrink, and minimize your jars.
  • Librarian - Librarian is a library to help building Kotlin libraries.
  • Maven Sympathy - A small Gradle plugin that checks that your project dependencies play nice with Maven resolution strategy
  • NMCP (New Maven Central Publishing) - A plugin that uses the new Central Portal publisher API to publish to Maven Central.
  • Shadow - Gradle plugin to create fat/uber JARs, apply file transforms, and relocate packages for applications and libraries. Gradle version of Maven's Shade plugin.

Hosting New Projects#

New Gradle related projects can be potentially hosted on GradleUp. It includes transferring the project to GradleUp, and ensuring quality and sustainability of the project. See the New Projects Hosting Guide for more info.