# Change Log

# Unreleased (opens new window)

# v9.0.0-beta8 (opens new window) (2025-02-08)




# v9.0.0-beta7 (opens new window) (2025-02-02)





# v9.0.0-beta6 (opens new window) (2025-01-23)



# v9.0.0-beta5 (opens new window) (2025-01-21)




# v9.0.0-beta4 (opens new window) (2024-12-06)


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Some public getters are removed from SimpleRelocator, includes and excludes are exposed as SetPropertys. (#1079 (opens new window))


  • Adjust property initializations and modifiers in ShadowJar. (#1090 (opens new window))
    This fixes the regression for registering custom ShadowJar tasks.

# v9.0.0-beta2 (opens new window) (2024-11-28)


  • Revert "Migrate SimpleRelocator to using lazy properties" (#1052 (opens new window))
    This fixes the relocation not working in v9.0.0-beta1.

# v9.0.0-beta1 (opens new window) (2024-11-27)





# v8.3.6 (opens new window) (2025-02-02)


# v8.3.5 (opens new window) (2024-11-03)


  • Revert "Bump Java level to 11" (#1011 (opens new window)).
    This reverts the change to maintain compatibility with 8.x versions. The Java level will be bumped to 11 or above in the next major release.

# v8.3.4 (opens new window) (2024-10-29)


# v8.3.3 (opens new window) (2024-10-02)


# v8.3.2 (opens new window) (2024-09-18)




# v8.3.1 (opens new window) (2024-09-10)


  • Apply an empty plugin that has the legacy com.github.johnrengelman.shadow plugin ID. This allows existing build logic to keep on reacting to the legacy plugin as the replacement is drop-in currently.


# v8.3.0 (opens new window) (2024-08-08)



# v8.1.1 (opens new window) (2023-03-20)

**NOTE: ** As of this version, the Github repository has migrated to the main branch as the default branch for releases.

Release Notes (opens new window)

# v8.1.0 (opens new window) (2023-02-26)

BREAKING CHANGE: Due to adoption of the latest version of the com.gradle.plugin-publish plugin, the maven GAV coordinates have changed as of this version. The correct coordinates now align with the plugin ID itself: group=com.github.johnrengelman, artifact=shadow, version=<version>. For example, classpath("com.github.johnrengelman:shadow:8.1.0") is the correct configuration for this version.

BREAKING CHANGE: The ConfigureShadowRelocation task was removed as of this version to better support Gradle configuration caching. Instead, use the enableRelocation = true and relocationPrefix = "<new package>" settings on the ShadowJar task type.

Release Notes (opens new window)

# v8.0.0 (opens new window) (2023-02-24)

Release Notes (opens new window)

# v7.1.3 (unreleased)

  • The GroovyExtensionModuleTransformer now also works for Groovy 2.5+.

# v7.1.2 (2021-12-28)

  • Upgrade log4j to 2.17.1 due to CVE-2021-45105 and CVE-2021-44832

# v7.1.1 (2021-12-14)

  • Upgrade log4j to 2.16.0 due to CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046

# v7.1.0 (2021-10-04)

# v7.0.0 (2021-04-26)

# v6.1.0 (2020-10-05)

# v6.0.0 (2020-06-15)

# v5.2.0 (2019-11-10)

# v5.1.0 (2019-06-29)

# v5.0.0 (2019-02-28)

# v4.0.4 (2019-01-19)

# v4.0.3 (2018-11-21)

# v4.0.2 (2018-10-27)

# v4.0.1 (2018-09-30)

  • Breaking Change! Transform.modifyOutputStream(ZipOutputStream os) to Transform.modifyOutputStream(ZipOutputStream jos, boolean preserveFileTimestamps). Typically breaking changes are reserved for major version releases, but this change was necessary for preserverFileTimestamps (introduced in v4.0.0) to work correctly in the presence of transformers, #404 (opens new window)
  • Fix regression in support Java 10+ during relocation, #403 (opens new window)

# v4.0.0 (2018-09-25)

# v2.0.4 (2018-04-27)

# v2.0.3 (2018-03-24)

# v2.0.2 (2017-12-12)

# v2.0.1 (2017-06-23)

# v2.0.0 (2017-05-09)

  • Breaking Change! Restrict Plugin to Gradle 3.0+
  • Breaking Change! Build with Java 7
  • Breaking Change! Updated Transformer interface to accept TransformerContext object instead of individual values
  • Breaking Change! Updated Relocator interface to accept RelocatePathContext and RelocateClassContext objects
  • Breaking Change! Distribution tasks distShadowZip and distShadowTar have been removed and replaced with the standard shadowDistZip and shadowDistTar from the Gradle Distribution plugin.
  • Breaking Change! The installShadowApp task has been removed and replaced with the standard installShadowDist task from the Gradle Distribution plugin.
  • Breaking Change! The new installShadowDist task outputs to build/install/<project name>-shadow per the standard (formerly was build/installShadow)
  • Breaking Change! component.shadow removed in favor of project.shadow.component(publication) so as to remove dependency on internal Gradle APIs.
  • NEW Introducing ConfigureShadowRelocation task and com.github.johnrengelman.plugin-shadow plugin to automatically configure package relocation for Gradle plugins.
  • NEW Integration with Gradle Build Scans. When running a ShadowJar task with Build Scans, custom values including dependencies merged anc package relocations are published in the scan.
  • Build Shadow w/ Shadow. This will help prevent any future classpath conflicts with Gradle.
  • Replace startShadowScripts tasks with Gradle's built-in CreateStartScripts type.
  • Build with Gradle 3.1
  • Marc Philipp (opens new window) - Add keyTransformer property to PropertiesFileTransformer
  • Update to ASM 5.2
  • Piotr Kubowicz (opens new window) - Support api, implementation, runtimeOnly dependency configurations introdcued in Gradle 3.3

# v1.2.4 (2016-11-03)

# v1.2.3 (2016-01-25)

# v1.2.2 (2015-07-17)

# v1.2.1 (2015-01-23)

# v1.2.0 (2014-11-24)

  • Re-organize some code to remove need for forcing the Gradle API ClassLoader to allow the org.apache.tools.zip package.
  • Upgrade JDOM library from 1.1 to 2.0.5 (change dependency from jdom:jdom:1.1 to org.jdom:jdom2:2.0.5), #98 (opens new window)
  • Convert ShadowJar.groovy to ShadowJar.java to workaround binary incompatibility introduced by Gradle 2.2, #106 (opens new window)
  • Updated ASM library to 5.0.3 to support JDK8, #97 (opens new window)
  • Allows for regex pattern matching in the dependency string when including/excluding, #83 (opens new window)
  • Apply package relocations to resource files, #93 (opens new window)

# v1.1.2 (2014-09-09)

  • fix bug in runShadow where dependencies from the shadow configuration are not available, #94 (opens new window)

# v1.1.1 (2014-08-27)

  • Fix bug in 'createStartScripts' task that was causing it to not execute 'shadowJar' task, #90 (opens new window)
  • Do not include null in ShadowJar Manifest 'Class-Path' value when jar task does not specify a value for it, #92 (opens new window)
  • ShadowJar Manifest 'Class-Path' should reference jars from 'shadow' config as relative to location of shadowJar output, #91 (opens new window)

# v1.1.0 (2014-08-26)

  • Breaking Change! Fix leaking of shadowJar.manifest into jar.manifest, #82 (opens new window) To simplify behavior, the shadowJar.appendManifest method has been removed. Replace uses with shadowJar.manifest
  • ShadowTask now has a configurations property that is resolved to the files in the resolved configuration before being added to the copy spec. This allows for an easier implementation for filtering. The default 'shadowJar' task has the convention of adding the 'runtime' scope to this list. Manually created instances of ShadowTask have no configurations added by default and can be configured by setting task.configurations.
  • Properly configure integration with the 'maven' plugin when added. When adding 'maven' the 'uploadShadow' task will now properly configure the POM dependencies by removing the 'compile' and 'runtime' configurations from the POM and adding the 'shadow' configuration as a RUNTIME scope in the POM. This behavior matches the behavior when using the 'maven-publish' plugin.
  • Matt Hurne (opens new window) - Allow ServiceFileTransformer to specify include/exclude patterns for files within the configured path to merge.
  • Matt Hurne (opens new window) - Added GroovyExtensionModuleTransformer for merging Groovy Extension module descriptor files. The existing ServiceFileTransformer now excludes Groovy Extension Module descriptors by default.
  • distShadowZip and distShadowZip now contain the shadow library and run scripts instead of the default from the 'application' plugin, #89 (opens new window)

# v1.0.3 (2014-07-29)

# v1.0.2 (2014-07-07)

  • Do not add an empty Class-Path attribute to the manifest when the shadow configuration contains no dependencies.
  • runShadow now registers shadowJar as an input. Previously, runShadow did not execute shadowJar and an error occurred.
  • Support Gradle 2.0, #66 (opens new window)
  • Do not override existing 'Class-Path' Manifest attribute settings from Jar configuration. Instead combine, #65 (opens new window)

# v1.0.1 (2014-06-28)

  • Fix issue where non-class files are dropped when using relocation, #58 (opens new window)
  • Do not create a / directory inside the output jar.
  • Fix runShadow task to evaluate the shadowJar.archiveFile property at execution time, #60 (opens new window)

# v1.0.0 (2014-06-27)

  • Previously known as v0.9.0
  • All changes from 0.9.0-M1 to 0.9.0-M5
  • Properly configure the ShadowJar task inputs to observe the include/excludes from the dependencies block. This allows UP-TO-DATE checking to work properly when changing the dependencies rulea, #54 (opens new window)
  • Apply relocation remappings to classes and imports in source project, #55 (opens new window)
  • Do not create directories in jar for source of remapped class, created directories in jar for destination of remapped classes, #53 (opens new window)

# v0.9.0-M5

  • Add commons-io to compile classpath
  • Update asm library to 4.1

# v0.9.0-M4

  • Break plugin into multiple sub-plugins. ShadowBasePlugin is always applied. ShadowJavaPlugin and ShadowApplicationPlugin are applied in reaction to applying the java and application plugins respectively.
  • Shadow does not applied java plugin automatically. java or groovy must be applied in conjunction with shadow.
  • Moved artifact filtering to dependencies {} block underneath shadowJar. This allows better include/exclude control for dependencies.
  • Dependencies added to the shadow configuration are automatically added to the Class-Path attribute in the manifest for shadowJar
  • Applying application plugin and settings mainClassName automatically configures the Main-Class attribute in the manifest for shadowJar
  • runShadow now utilizes the output of the shadowJar and executes using java -jar <shadow jar file>
  • Start Scripts for shadow distribution now utilize java -jar to execute instead of placing all files on classpath and executing main class.
  • Excluding/Including dependencies no longer includes transitive dependencies. All dependencies for inclusion/exclusion must be explicitly configured via a spec.

# v0.9.0-M3

  • Use commons.io FilenameUtils to determine name of resolved jars for including/excluding

# v0.9.0-M2

  • Added integration with application plugin to replace old OutputSignedJars task
  • Fixed bug that resulted in duplicate file entries in the resulting Jar
  • Changed plugin id to 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' to support Gradle 2.x plugin infrastructure.

# v0.9.0-M1

  • Rewrite based on Gradle Jar Task
  • ShadowJar now extends Jar
  • Removed signedCompile and signedRuntime configurations in favor of shadow configuration
  • Removed OutputSignedJars task