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Configuring Shadow

The ShadowJar task type extends from Gradle’s Jar type. This means that all attributes and methods available on Jar are also available on ShadowJar. Refer the Gradle User Guide for Jar for details.

Configuring Output Name

Shadow configures the default shadowJar task to set the output JAR’s destinationDirectory, archiveBaseName, appendix, archiveVersion, and extension to the same default values as Gradle does for all Jar tasks. Additionally, it configures the archiveClassifier to be all.

If working with a Gradle project with the name myApp and archiveVersion 1.0, the default shadowJar task will output a file at: build/libs/myApp-1.0-all.jar

As with all Jar tasks in Gradle, these values can be overridden:

tasks.shadowJar {
  archiveBaseName = "shadow"
  archiveClassifier = ""
  archiveVersion = ""
tasks.named('shadowJar', com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar) {
  archiveBaseName = 'shadow'
  archiveClassifier = ''
  archiveVersion = ''

Configuring the Runtime Classpath

Each Java JAR file contains a manifest file that provides metadata about the contents of the JAR file itself. When using a shadowed JAR file as an executable JAR, it is assumed that all necessary runtime classes are contained within the JAR itself. There may be situations where the desire is to not bundle select dependencies into the shadowed JAR file, but they are still required for runtime execution.

In these scenarios, Shadow creates a shadow configuration to declare these dependencies. Dependencies added to the shadow configuration are not bundled into the output JAR. Think of configurations.shadow as unmerged, runtime dependencies. The integration with the maven-publish plugin will automatically configure dependencies added to configurations.shadow as RUNTIME scope dependencies in the resulting POM file.

Additionally, Shadow automatically configures the manifest of the shadowJar task to contain a Class-Path entry in the JAR manifest. The value of the Class-Path entry is the name of all dependencies resolved in the shadow configuration for the project.

dependencies {
dependencies {
  shadow 'junit:junit:3.8.2'

Inspecting the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the JAR file will reveal the following attribute:

Class-Path: junit-3.8.2.jar

When deploying a shadowed JAR as an execution JAR, it is important to note that any non-bundled runtime dependencies must be deployed in the location specified in the Class-Path entry in the manifest.

Configuring the JAR Manifest

Beyond the automatic configuration of the Class-Path entry, the shadowJar manifest is configured in a number of ways. First, the manifest for the shadowJar task is configured to inherit from the manifest of the standard jar task. This means that any configuration performed on the jar task will propagate to the shadowJar tasks.

tasks.jar {
  manifest {
    attributes["Class-Path"] = "/libs/a.jar"
tasks.named('jar', Jar) {
  manifest {
    attributes 'Class-Path': '/libs/a.jar'

Inspecting the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the JAR file will reveal the following attribute:

Class-Path: /libs/a.jar

If it is desired to inherit a manifest from a JAR task other than the standard jar task, the inheritFrom methods on the shadowJar.manifest object can be used to configure the upstream.

val testJar by tasks.registering(Jar::class) {
  manifest {
    attributes["Description"] = "This is an application JAR"

tasks.shadowJar {
def testJar = tasks.register('testJar', Jar) {
  manifest {
    attributes 'Description': 'This is an application JAR'

tasks.named('shadowJar', com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar) {

Adding Extra Files

The shadowJar task is a subclass of the Jar task, which means that the from method can be used to add extra files.

tasks.shadowJar {
  from("Foo") {
    // Copy Foo file into Bar/ in the shadowed JAR.
tasks.named('shadowJar', com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins.shadow.tasks.ShadowJar) {
  from('Foo') {
    // Copy Foo file into Bar/ in the shadowed JAR.