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Ktlint is a linter for Kotlin with a built-in formatter. It does not support Java. Adding this tool only makes sense when you have Kotlin sources in your project.

Supported Ktlint Gradle Plugin version: 6.2.1 and above

Table of contents#

IMPORTANT: setup Ktlint#

Unlike the other tools, the plugin won't automatically add Ktlint to your project. If you forget to do it, the plugin will fail the build with an error.

In order to integrate Ktlint easily we choose to use the Ktlint Gradle plugin. This plugin has a very good understanding of Android source sets and build flavors. You can refer to the official documentation for further details.

Note that you should not add the ktlint closure to your build.gradles, unlike what the official documentation says. The ktlint closure in the staticAnalysis configuration gets applied to all Kotlin modules automatically.

In most common cases, adding Ktlint to a project boils down to these simple steps:

  1. Add this statement to your root build.gradle project (change the version according to your needs):
    plugins {
        id 'org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint' version '7.3.0'
        // ...
  2. Add this statement to each Kotlin project's build.gradles:
    plugins {
        id 'org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint'
        // ...

Configure Ktlint#

Unlike other tools, Ktlint does not offer much configuration. By default, it applies Kotlin style guide or Android Kotlin style guide.

To use Android style guide:

ktlint {
    android true

For other configuration options and adding custom rules, refer to the official guide.

Note: Failures and threshold detection is handled by Static Analysis plugin. That is why ignoreFailures = true is set by the plugin. Please do not manually override ignoreFailures property.